ru/128/Нойтон бутлуурын үнийн жагсаалтыг зогсоох.md …
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Add water to your steamer and let the water come to a boil on medium heat. Fill the molds with the idli batter. Don't overfill them. Once the water in the steamer starts boiling, place the idli stant with the insert in the steamer. Cover the steamer and steam for around 8 to 10 minutes only on medium high heat.
29. Remove the idli stand from the pot, cooker or Instant pot carefully using a kitchen towel or oven mitts. Now allow the steamed idli to stand in the moulds for a few minutes. Then remove them with a spoon dipped in hot water. Serve oats idli. So that they remain soft and moist, place the oatmeal idli in a covered container or inside a roti box.
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6a - In a large bowl, take idli rice and rinse 3-4 times or until the water runs clear. Then drain the water completely. Soak in enough water (4-5 cups) for 6-8 hours or overnight. 7a - After soaking, drain the …
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Grease or brush the idli moulds evenly with oil. Pour the batter in the moulds and steam the idli in a pressure cooker or steamer. If using pressure cooker remove the vent weight (whistle). Steam for 12 to 15 mins or until the idli is done. Serve the steaming hot idli with coconut chutney and sambar.
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n. Mongolian Speech corpus A.Altangerel,B.Damdinsuren A Speech Corpus is a database of speech audio files and text transcriptions of these audio files in a format that can be used to create Acoustical Models (which can then be used with a Speech Recognition Engine).one world one sight · Азийн бар улс болно гэсэн єєдрєг хvслээр гараанаас …
n n (DOC) Metsim Dagvadorj Erdenebayalag n. Drop Down Menus The following drop down menus are located along the top of the screen and contain programs used tocreate,build,develop,analyze and save flowsheet models i.e.: F i l e s Handling files i.e.saving and retrieving Models S e t u p Flowsheet palette setup parameters for …
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