
We believe that minerals are vital for future development and prosperity. Life Matters Most is our guiding value, and we need your support on this profound journey.

Procurement Compliance Analyst – PT Vale Eksplorasi Indonesia

Professional Hired. Procurement Compliance Analyst – PT Vale Eksplorasi Indonesia. The position is a twelve-month contract under an outsourcing company. The successful candidate will work in Head Office, Jakarta. Responsible for ensuring that the organization's procurement processes and policies adhere to all relevant regulations, standards ...

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Mineral Exploration

Mineral Exploration - Sumbawa Timur Mining. Exploration. Mineral Exploration. The Onto Deposit was discovered by the STM team in 2013 during the early stages of exploration. The Hu'u Project is at the pre-feasibility study stage of development and is supported by an extensive drilling and data collection campaign. Slim holedrilling rig.

Resource Estimate of The Onto Deposit Increases to Over 2 …

Content Significant Copper and Small Amount of Gold. Jakarta, 21 April 2022 – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) announced today a newly concluded mineral resource estimate of the Onto copper-gold deposit in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province. The mineral resource estimate, which was completed in December 2021, reported a total 2.1 …

Lowongan Kerja Berbagai Posisi – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining

Profesional. Lowongan Kerja Berbagai Posisi – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining. Sumbawa Timur Mining is looking for several experienced professionals to join our team! The position is a twelve-month contract under an outsourcing company and works on a 4/2 FIFO roster. The successful candidate will be place at Project Hu'u Site, Dompu Regency, West ...

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining Provides Clean Water Facilities …

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a -owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu'u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu'u …

Senior Metallurgist

Professional Hired. Senior Metallurgist. The position is a twelve-months contract under outsourcing company. The successful candidate will work in Head Office, Jakarta. Provide support on the development of a copper project, including: Plan and supervise laboratory test work, especially thickening, filtration, acid rock drainage.


Rayakan Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia, Sumbawa Timur Mining Upayakan Restorasi Tanah Melalui Instalasi Lubang Biopori

Sumbawa Timur Mining Produksi Tembaga & Emas di NTB …

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) rencananya akan melaksanakan fase produksi tembaga dan emas di tambang Onto di Kecamatan Hu'u, Kabupaten Dompu, Nusa Tenggara Barat pada 2030. Presiden Direktur STM, Bede Evans, mengatakan saat ini pihaknya masih menjalankan proses eksplorasi. Dari hasil pendataan per Desember …

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining | LinkedIn

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is the owner of the Hu'u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu'u …

Our Approach

Contact Us. +62 811 1911 0638infoSTM1@vale. Beware of Fraudulent Activities. We emphasize the importance of staying vigilant against fraudulent activities falsely claiming association with PT Sumbawa Timur Mining. Your safety and security are paramount, and we encourage you to verify any suspicious activities through our official Contact.

Fraud Attempts on behalf of Hu'u Project, Vale and PT Sumbawa Timur

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a -owned subsidiary of Vale SA, and PT Antam Tbk (20%). Established in 1998, STM became the owner of the Hu'u Project 7th generation Contract of Work (CoW) and Geothermal Preliminary & Exploration Survey Assignment in Hu'u District, Dompu ...

Soal 2 Miliar Ton Emas di NTB, Pemilik Tambang Angkat Bicara

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) selaku pemegang Kontrak Karya (KK) pertambangan tembaga dan emas di Tambang Onto, Kecamatan Hu'u, Kabupaten Dompu, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) akhirnya angkat bicara mengenai adanya potensi atas cadangan emas dan tembaga yang berlimpah. …

Job Vacancies for Various Positions – PT Vale Eksplorasi …

PT Vale Eksplorasi Indonesia (VEI) is a company providing services to support mining and other excavation activities that was established on June 19, 1990. VEI has several management agreements, one of which is with PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) to support the activities of the Hu'u Project. The Hu'u Project is a copper exploration project


Contact Us. +62 811 1911 0638infoSTM1@vale. Beware of Fraudulent Activities. We emphasize the importance of staying vigilant against fraudulent activities falsely claiming association with PT Sumbawa Timur Mining. Your safety and security are paramount, and we encourage you to verify any suspicious activities through our official Contact.

Siapkan Tambang Emas Bawah Tanah di 2030, PT Sumbawa Timur Mining

Jakarta, tvOnenews - PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) selaku pemegang kontrak karya proyek Hu'u di Kabupaten Dompu, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) akan terus berkontibusi bagi masyarakat sekitar.Perusahaan tambang yang berencana mengembangkan tambang emas bawah tanah di Blok Onto ini telah menyiapkan …

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining discovers copper-gold deposit

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is pleased to announce the discovery of the Onto copper-gold deposit, a discovery that positions the company to be one of the leading copper producers in Indonesia. STM is the owner of the Hu'u Project 7 th generation Contract of Work (CoW) in the Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia.

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining is a Private company. What is PT Sumbawa Timur Mining's current revenue? The current revenue for PT Sumbawa Timur Mining is 000000. Who are PT Sumbawa Timur Mining's investors? Aneka Tambang and Eastern Star Resources have invested in PT Sumbawa Timur Mining.


Tender and Procurement Announcements are Accessible Here. For access to the necessary documents, kindly click below. Local Tender Announcement (Pra-Qualification) Civil Construction Package 28 June 2024 - 5 July 2024. Local Tender Announcement (Pra-Qualification) Facilities Maintenance Sevices 22 May 2024 - 27 May 2024.

Contact Us

We emphasize the importance of staying vigilant against fraudulent activities falsely claiming association with PT Sumbawa Timur Mining. Your safety and security are paramount, and we encourage you to verify any suspicious activities through our official Contact.. Please also be informed that PT Sumbawa Timur Mining never charges any …

Rayakan Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia, Sumbawa Timur Mining …

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) merupakan perusahaan joint venture antara Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), anak usaha milik Vale, dan PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM mengelola Proyek Hu'u, sebuah proyek eksplorasi tembaga yang beroperasi di bawah Kontrak Karya (KK) Generasi ke-7 di Kecamatan Hu'u, …

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining dan DLHK NTB Teken MoU …

Dompu (Suara NTB) – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) dan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (DLHK NTB) menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman (MoU) tentang penerapan program perlindungan hutan di wilayah Persetujuan Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan (PPKH) periode 2024-2025. …

Hubungi Kami

Kontak Kami. +62 811 1911 0638infoSTM1@vale. Waspadai Aktivitas Penipuan. Kami menekankan pentingnya mewaspadai aktivitas penipuan yang mengaku terkait dengan PT Sumbawa Timur Mining. Keselamatan dan keamanan Anda adalah yang terpenting, dan kami mendorong Anda untuk memverifikasi aktivitas mencurigakan apa pun melalui …

Peluang Kerja

Procurement Compliance Analyst – PT Vale Eksplorasi Indonesia. ProfesionalJakarta. Experienced Learning & Development Analyst – PT Vale Eksplorasi Indonesia. ProfesionalJakarta. Senior Metallurgist. ProfesionalJakarta. Lowongan Kerja Berbagai Posisi – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining. ProfesionalDompu.


We emphasize the importance of staying vigilant against fraudulent activities falsely claiming association with PT Sumbawa Timur Mining. Your safety and security are paramount, and we encourage you to verify any suspicious activities through our official Contact.. Please also be informed that PT Sumbawa Timur Mining never charges any …

Sumbawa Timur Mining Baru Bisa Produksikan Cadangan …

JAKARTA – PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) hingga kini masih melakukan kajian untuk memastikan jumlah cadangan mineral tembaga dan emas yang ada di tambang Onto, Kecamatan Hu'u, Kabupaten Dompu, Nusa Tenggara Barat.. Bede Evans, Presiden Direktur STM, menjelaskan cadangan mineral dari proyek Hu'u ini …

Celebrating World Environment Day, Sumbawa Timur Mining …

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) is a joint venture between Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vale, and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM owns the Hu'u Project, a copper exploration project operating under the 7th Generation Mineral Contract of Work (CoW) in Hu'u District, Dompu Regency, West …

Kembali Marak Upaya Penipuan Mengatasnamakan Proyek Hu'u, PT Sumbawa

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) merupakan perusahaan joint venture antara Eastern Star Resources Pty Ltd (80%), anak usaha milik Vale, dan PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (20%). STM mengelola Proyek Hu'u, sebuah proyek eksplorasi tembaga yang beroperasi di bawah Kontrak Karya (KK) Generasi ke-7 di Kecamatan Hu'u, Kabupaten Dompu, Provinsi …


Pengadaan - Sumbawa Timur Mining. Pengadaan. Pengumuman. Pengumuman Tender dan Pengadaan akan tersedia di sini. Untuk mengakses dokumen yang diperlukan, silakan klik di bawah. Cari. Pengumuman Tender Lokal (Pra-Kualifikasi) Paket Konstruksi Sipil 28 Juni 2024 - 5 Juli 2024. Pengumuman Tender Lokal (Pra-Kualifikasi) Penyediaan …


Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for PT. SUMBAWA TIMUR MINING of Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta. Get the …

PT. Sumbawa Timur Mining Onto Copper-Gold Deposit …

PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM or the Company) is pleased to announce the discovery of the Onto copper-gold deposit, a world-class discovery that positions the company to …

Deposit Onto

Deposit Onto Pada tahun 2013, Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM) menemukan salah satu penemuan tembaga-emas yang paling menarik dalam 20 tahun terakhir. Penemuan ini kami sebut sebagai Deposit Onto. ... Kami tegaskan bahwa PT Sumbawa Timur Mining tidak memungut biaya pada setiap tahap proses pengadaan dan rekrutmen. Jika Anda …

Why Work With Us

At PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (STM), we offer you the opportunity to work with purpose. Join our team and unlock your potential in a collaborative environment that celebrates diversity, harnesses collective strengths, and empowers each individual to make a meaningful impact. We believe that when individuals come together with a shared sense …