Corporate Data

PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk: The Establishment Date: 25 October 1978: Legal Base: The Deed No. 149 signed before Haji Bebasa Daeng Lalo, S.H., with approval from Minister of Justice of Republic of Indonesia pursuant to the Decree No. Y.A.5/242/7 dated 21 May 1979. Authorized Capital: Rp3,380,000,000,000: Issued and Fully Paid-in Capital: Rp892 ...

Brief Profile & Milestones

Home - About - Brief Profile & Milestones. PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk ('BUKAKA') ('the Company'), was established on October 25, 1978 based on Notarial deed of H. Bebasa Daeng Lalo, SH, No. 149 and had already obtained approval based on a Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. Y.A.5/242/7 dated 21 May 1979.

PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama

PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama - Unit Usaha Road Construction Equipment adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengadaan peralatan jalan seperti Asphalt Mixing Pl PT. …

PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk, Business Unit Road …

Bukaka Bridge Inspection Truck developed and manufactured independently by PT Bukaka Teknik Utama, Tbk is one special vehicle suitable for the disease maintenance and preventive maintenance and inspection of oversized bridges. This product is a mechanically, electronically, and hydraulically integrating high-tech product


PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk (BUKK) mengaku target kontrak pada tahun ini akan tercapai, catatan, perusahaan membidik kontrak baru sebesar Rp 7 triliun pada tahun ini. Salah satu kontributor terbesar adalah kontrak yang didapatkan untuk pengerjaan Jalan Tol Jakarta-Cikampek Elevated. ... Oleh karena itu, dirinya …

Asphalt Sprayer

Bukaka Asphalt Sprayer Model ( BAS) merupakan salah satu mesin perawatan jalan yang diproduksi PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama. Selain itu PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama juga memproduksi Crushing Plant untuk pemakaian jenis batuan lainnya, seperti: batu bara, batu kapur, dolomite, bentonite, dan lain sebagainya. Keseluruhannya dibuat dengan …

PT. Bukaka Trans System

Info kontak. Tel 021 8753 9** Tel 021 8753 9** Tel 021 8791 65** Tel 021 8794 01** Fax 021 8753 9** E-Mail refconi***@yahoo lokasi peta. Alamat. JL Pahlawan, No. 10, Citeureup, Kawasan Branta Mulia Sentul, Bogor, Jawa Barat, 16810, Indonesia buka peta. bagian. Info kontak Peta PT. Bukaka Trans System. Kegiatan usaha: Kontraktor - Umum


corsec@bukaka . MARKETING DIVISION. P1 : +6221 823 1768 P2 : +6221 823 1149 F : +6221 823 1150, 823 1780 E : marketing@bukaka . CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS. corcomm@bukaka . ... PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is …


Bukaka Industrial Estate Jl. Raya Narogong - Bekasi Km. 19,5 Cileungsi Bogor 16820 P : +62.21 823 2323 F : +62.21 823 1150 Coordinate : -6.387038,106.967582. Kantor Perwakilan: Tower A, Unit 21E-F Kota Kasablanka Jl. Kasablanka Kav. 88 Jakarta Selatan P : +62.21 296 126 88 F : +62.21 296 129 11

Bukaka (BUKK) Raih Kontrak Jembatan Callender Hamilton Rp2…

Bisnis, JAKARTA – PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk. (BUKK) meraih kontrak kerja sama untuk proyek penggantian atau duplikasi jembatan Callender Hamilton di Jawa. BUKK melalui anak usaha PT Baja Titian Utama menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama pemerintah dengan Badan Usaha (KPBU) dengan Kementerian Pekerjaan …

Stone Crusher

Bukaka Stone Crusher merupakan salah satu produk PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama yang disediakan sebagai peralatan pemecah batu. Bukaka Teknik Utama yang disediakan sebagai peralatan pemecah batu. Stone Crushing Plant ini dibuat untuk menjawab kebutuhan penyediaan batu pecah yang terus meningkat, seiring dengan …

Annual Reports

Bukaka Mandiri Sejahtera; Bukaka Energi; Bukaka Forging Industries; Bukaka Mega Investama; Bukaka Minyu Industry; Baja Titian Utama; Bukaka Three D Private Limited; Bukaka Teknik Utama Balikpapan; Investor. Financial Statements; Annual Reports; Dividends. Policy; Historical Payment; Shareholder Information; Financial Highlight; …

Kontak Kami

Stone Crusher; Batching Plant; Asphalt Distributor; Asphalt Sprayer; Asphalt Patch Mixer; Maintenance Truck; Bukaka Asphalt Emultion Patcher; Agriculture Machinery. Bukaka …

sbm/sbm stone crusher pt bukaka at …

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Bukaka Energi

In 2014, PT Bukaka Energi acquired 4 (four) companies engaging in mini hydro power plants, namely PT Anoa Hydro Power, PT Mappung Hydro Power, PT Usu Hydro Power and PT Sakita Hydro Power, with share ownership in each of these subsidiaries amounting to 99%. Then in 2019, PT Bukaka Energi sealed a deal to buy and sell shares owned by …

Corporate Data

Home - About - Corporate Data. Name of the Company. PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk. The Establishment Date. 25 October 1978. Legal Base. The Deed No. 149 signed before Haji Bebasa Daeng Lalo, S.H., with approval from Minister of Justice of Republic of Indonesia pursuant to the Decree No. Y.A.5/242/7 dated 21 May 1979. Authorized Capital.

PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk, Business Unit Road …

PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk. merupakan manufacture atau pabrikan Asphalt Mixing Plant, Stone Crusher, Concrete Batching Plant, Road Maintenance Truck, Asphalt Patch …

Asphalt Distributor

BUKAKA ASPHALT DISTRIBUTOR Bukaka Asphalt Distributor model BAD-2000 dirancang untuk menghamparkan aspal cair ke atas permukaan pondasi jalan secara spray dan merata dengan kecepatan yang sama. Hamparan aspal cair berfungsi untuk mengikat campuran aspal yang akan dihamparkan di atasnya. Peralatan ini didesain memiliki …

Bukaka Teknik Utama Balikpapan

PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Balikpapan is a subsidiary of the Company established based on the Notarial Deed of Dedih A. Bashori, S.H., M.Kn No. 8 dated 19 February 2018 and has received approval through the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights No: AHU-0008842. AH.01.01. 2018 dated 20 February 2018.The …

kolkata contact person pt teguh persada coal

Kontak Person Pt Bukaka Cruher contact person pt teguh persada coal Roadheader . As a classic primary crusher with stable performances, Jaw Crusher is widely used to crush metallic and non-metallic ores …Teguh persada coal. Página inici Teguh persada coal; VSI6X Britador Barmac . Moinho de Pêndulo MB5X .

Asphalt Patch Mixer

BUKAKA ASPHALT PATCH MIXER (BAPM3) Bukaka Asphalt Patch Mix ( BAPM-3) adalah alat pencampur Agregat-Aspal secara panas ( Hot Mix) dengan kapasitas nominal produk 3 TPH ( 100 liter per proses) . Sangat cocok untuk pekerjaan perbaikan jalan aspal, ataupun pengaspalan jalan ukuran kecil. Peralatan ini merupakan terobosan untuk …

Vision, Mission and Values

VISION. To be a leading Indonesian company in Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Energy, and Investment in the world. MISSION. - To engage a competent and professional human resources. - To be a highly competitive, modern, innovative, and environmental-friendly. - To embrace good corporate governance principles in all aspects.

Batching Plant

This Bukaka Cement Batching Plant is consist of aggregate feed unit equipped by weighing, skip delivery unit, cement scaling unit, water scaling unit, pneumatic system, control panel and cement silos. This unit is very simple and easy to operate. Untuk Spesifikasi lengkapnya, silahkan kontak bagian marketing (nama kontak) dibawah. …


Bukaka Teknik Utama – Unit Usaha Road Construction Equipment. adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengadaan peralatan jalan seperti Asphalt Mixing Plant, Asphalt …


Impact Crusher . crusher . Jembatan Kerangka (Truss Bridge) truss bridges/jembatan baja standar anti karat (bukaka) Jembatan Lengkung (Arch Bridge) arch bridges/steel …

stone crusher pt pulau lemon

Kontak Person Pt Bukaka Cruher bilscyeucalcium carbonate price collegetocorporatein. kontak person pt bukaka cruher sand washing machine stone crusher pt pulau lemon sand washing machinestone crusher pt pulau lemon Peralatan pabrik bijihstone stone crusher pt pulau lemon cost of the stone crusher gold ore processing dump leach drum …


Kantor Pusat & Workshop Kawasan Industri Bukaka Jl. Raya Narogong - Bekasi Km. 19,5 Cileungsi Bogor 16820, Telp : 021 - 823 2323 Fax : 021 - 823 1150 Kantor perwakilan

Organization Structure

Oil & Gas Equipment. Road Construction Equipment. Offshore Maintenance And Services. Special Purpose Vehicle. Galvanizing. Subsidiaries. Bukaka Mandiri Sejahtera. Bukaka Energi. Bukaka Forging Industries.


Headquaters Office & Workshop Bukaka Industrial Estate Jl. Raya Narogong - Bekasi Km. 19,5 Cileungsi Bogor 16820, Telp : 021 - 823 2323 Fax : 021 - 823 1150 Representative Office

PT. NESIC BUKAKA | Direktori Perusahaan Manufaktur …

Company Name : PT. NESIC BUKAKA. Address : Graha Anugerah, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu, Pancoran, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12780, Indonesia. Capital : -. Telephone : 021 7944333. Fax : (021) 7944332. Email : [email protected]. Description : NEC Jaringan & Sistem Integrasi Corporation menyediakan berbagai solusi …

Board of Directors

Afifuddin SK. Director & Corporate Secretary. Indonesian citizen, born on June 22nd 1985. Appointed as Director of the Company since May 2016 based on the Deed of GMS No. 15 dated May 30, 2016, which was approved by Budi Haryanto, S.H., Notary in South Jakarta. Currently he also serves as Director of PT Bumi Mineral Sulawesi since 2009 ...

Financial Statements

Interim March. Download File. 11074.24 KB. Financial Statements - PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk.