The Laboratory (Technikum)

For this reason, at Alexanderwerk we offer comprehensive testing of processes and methods in our own international test facilities. When conducting a test in one of our technical centers, we can identify the right machine and optimal process parameters to help you produce a product that meets your exact specifications. Our excellently equipped ...

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Our machines make Alexanderwerk a world leader in developing and producing specialized machinery for the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and life science and …


Our products. Alexanderwerk offers a comprehensive portfolio of special equipment for use in the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry as well as in LifeScience and nuclear technology. The offer ranges from equipment for the area of laboratories and small batches to high-performance machinery. Filtering products. Industry keyboard_arrow_down.

Alexanderwerk Inc

All Alexanderwerk Inc. grating and shredding machines are available in both a stationary or portable design. The PGS Series has been developed to meet the requirements and standards in the pharmaceutical, chemical and primary industry. It is made for grating, shredding, crushing, and deaglomerating, of solid, dry or slightly moist substances.

WP 120 Pharma

Open the catalog to page 1. WP 120 Pharma: Laboratory and pilot production machine for the pharmaceutical industry With the introduction of the WP 120 Pharma, Alexanderwerk oers a roller compactor designed to meet the highest requirements and standards in pharmaceutical research and development. On this machine small amounts of as little …


Skip navigation. Products. Roller compactors (cantilevered) for pharmaceuticals BT 120 Pharma; WP 120 Pharma; WP 150 Pharma; WP 200 Pharma; Roller compactors (with double-sided bearings) for the chemical industry PP 150 C

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25 фунт арчигч өөдөс нягтруулагч; ... юм.Уг процесс нь хаягдал цаасыг машинд оруулах бөгөөд дараа нь булны тусламжтайгаар материалыг шахаж, боодол болгон үүсгэдэг.Хаягдал цаас боох машиныг ...

PP 350

PP 350 The PP 350 from Alexanderwerk is the perfect roller compactor designed to meet all requirements and standards of economical compaction and is capable of achieving a throughput of approximately 6,500 kg/h with a roller diameter of 350 mm. The machine is equipped with the patented Combi-Vent-Feeder®, improving the de-aeration capability …

Нягтруулах машин, бетоны тоног төхөөрөмж үйлдвэрлэгч

Ningbo ACE Machinery нь 26 жилийн туршлагатай барилгын машин механизмын шийдэл нийлүүлэгч юм.Үндсэн бүтээгдэхүүн: Бетон чичиргээ, Бетон доргиурын босоо ам, Хавтан нягтруулагч, Түгжигч, Хүчтэй хусуур, Бетон зуурагч, Бетон ...

Equipment Spotlight #2: WP200

The WP200 is also capable of processing small batches due to its ease of use during product changeover and cleaning in between batches. Other features of the WP200 include: Throughput range: 10 to 500 kg/h Lactose. Roller diameter: 200mm. Roller width: 75mm. Roller gap: 5mm. Maximum press force: 20 kN/cm.


From the planning and coordination of maintenance appointments to the provision of original spare parts and expert technical advice - we are your reliable partner for first-class machine support. We look forward to supporting you every step of the way and ensuring that your machines are always at their best. Welcome to our standard-setting service!


Production. Our machines make Alexanderwerk Inc. a world leader in developing and producing specialized machinery for the pharmaceutical, chemical and primary industries. Offering a comprehensive portfolio of industry specific machines for high-performance manufacturing, Alexanderwerk's patented technologies including roller compaction and ...

Alexanderwerk | LinkedIn

Alexanderwerk | 596 followers on LinkedIn. The Compaction Family | Als Partner führender Unternehmen aus der Chemie-, Pharma- sowie Lebensmittelproduktion unterstützen wir gerne auch Sie bei der Granulation und Kompaktierung von Kleinstmengen bis hin zur Großproduktion. Dabei kennen wir all Ihre wichtigen Arbeitsschritte wie unsere eigene …

ALEXANDERWERK Grinder | Meat Grinders

ALEXANDERWERK Grinder from Bid On Equipment. BOE offers an extensive inventory of competitively priced Meat Grinders.


1-year protection plan from Allstate - $10.99. Breathe easy. Returns accepted. Shipping: US $27.23Standard Shipping. See details. Located in: Rancho Cucamonga, California, United States. Delivery: Estimated between Tue, May 28 and Fri, May 31 to 23917.


Today, the Alexanderwerk Group is a leading international manufacturer of technologically advanced compacting and pelletising solutions for the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, life science and nuclear industries. The company's machines and systems are used by all well-known producers worldwide.


ALEXANDERWERK. Alexanderwerk sektörün lider firması olarak kimya, ilaç, gıda, yaşam bilimleri ve nükleer teknoloji alanında teknolojik anlamda yüksek kaliteli sıkıştırma ve granülasyon çözümleri üretmektedir. Dünya çapında makineleri ve hatları sektörün tanınmış firmaları tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Link.


Plant Engineering. Specially engineered solutions and customized products round out the portfolio of Alexanderwerk. Learn more.


Our products. Alexanderwerk offers a comprehensive portfolio of special equipment for use in the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry as well as in LifeScience and nuclear …


Alexanderwerk Contact details. In addition to our locations in Germany, India, the People's Republic of China and the USA, we can rely on numerous local partners, who are also able to provide you with practical advice and assistance on site. We regularly conduct joint training programs and customer visits with our representatives. This allows us to …

Industrial Roller Compaction for Chemical Applications

PP 150 C: Our PP 150 C is designed to meet the highest standards and requirements for the chemical roller compaction. It provides a roller diameter of 150 mm and a width of 75/150/300 mm; a throughput of up to 400 kg/hr; and maximum pressure force of 30 kN/cm. PP 175: With a roller diameter of 175 mm, a width of 90/180/360mm, and with a ...

WP 150 Pharmaceutical Roller Compactor

The Alexanderwerk WP 150 Pharma Roller Compactor is a production model that fulfills the highest standards and requirements of the pharmaceutical industry. Its front plate sealing system is custom-designed for maximum OEB5 containment and can produce a throughput of up to 250 kg/h of granulated product. Alexanderwerk is an industry …

Alexanderwerk | LinkedIn

Alexanderwerk | 567 followers on LinkedIn. The Compaction Family | Als Partner führender Unternehmen aus der Chemie-, Pharma- sowie Lebensmittelproduktion unterstützen wir gerne auch Sie bei der ...

Welcome to Alexanderwerk Inc.

Today, the Alexanderwerk Group is a leading manufacturer of high-technology compaction and granulation machines for the chemical, food, life science, nuclear and pharmaceutical industries. For decades, …

Ticket-Code Achema 2024

Please fill in the form. You will then receive your personal ticket code for ACHEMA 2024. *Mandatory field. I accept the privacy policy. This consent can be revoked at any time by sending an email to sales@alexanderwerk.

Alexanderwerk Dividende 2024 & Prognose 2025 2026 …

Alexanderwerk zahlte im Geschäftsjahr 2022 eine Dividende von 0,75 € je Aktie. Bei einem Kurs von 16,40 € am 03.07.2024 beträgt die aktuelle Dividendenrendite 4,57 % (Berechnung: 0,75 € / 16,40 € = 4,57 %). Eine Sonderdividende wurde nicht gezahlt. Mit dem Screener findest Du die Aktien mit den höchsten Dividendenrenditen.

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Хятад улс 0,5 тонноос 39 тонн хүртэлх нэг давхар хүрд нягтруулагч …

Бүтээгдэхүүний тодорхойлолт Хөрс нягтруулагч гэгддэг замын бул нь зам засварын нэг төрлийн төхөөрөмж юм.Замын дугуй нь замын тоног төхөөрөмжийн ангилалд багтдаг ... Замын булны эд анги ...

ашигласан alexanderwerk булны нягтруулагч

The WP 200 Pharma from Alexanderwerk is a roller compactor, which has the capacity range from 10 to 250 kg/h. It is suitable for workplaces that experience often product …

WP200 Pharmaceutical Roller Compactor

The Alexanderwerk WP200 Roller Compactor offers more throughput and consistency for pharmaceutical, food, and chemical processing applications. Here are its specifications: Throughput range: 10 to 500 kg/h lactose. Roller diameter: 200 mm. Roller width: 75 mm. Roller gap: 5 mm. Maximum press force: 20 kN/cm.

Alexanderwerk Inc

Alexanderwerk Colombia SAS (Office LATAM region) Cra. 13 No. 93-40 piso 4, Bogota DC, Colombia. Phone: +57 (1) 651 3766 Cell: +57 323 591 4667 contact@alexanderwerk. Alexanderwerk India Private Limited. Survey No 206/3, Plot No 17, R K Plaza, Viman Nagar Pune, Maharashtra-411014.

Alexanderwerk Company Profile

Alexanderwerk is a supplier of roller compaction, granulation and size reduction equipment for the pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries. It offers roller …

Alexanderwerk Inc | LinkedIn

Alexanderwerk, Inc. is an international supplier of roller compaction, granulation and size reduction equipment for the Pharmaceutical, Food and Chemical industries. The primary company focus is ...

WP 120 Pharma (1002) | Alexanderwerk

The WP 120 Pharma was designed by Alexanderwerk specifically for use in research and development areas and meets the highest requirements and standards. Both minimal …