(PDF) Improvement in Cr:Fe Ratio of Indian Chromite Ore for Ferro

The pr esent i nvesti gati on em phasiz ed on the liberation and beneficiation characteristics of Indian chromite oreto improve the. Cr: Fe ratio. The off grade chromite samp le ofSukinda region ...

Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure and …

To thoroughly understand the relationship between heat treatments and characteristics of both microstructure and corrosion behavior of Ni–Fe–Cr alloy 028, a series of heat treatments were carried out. The area fraction of precipitates increases with increasing duration of aging treatment at 900 °C. The precipitation rate is higher at 900 …

Hydrogen storage properties of V–Ti–Cr–Fe alloys

A V–Ti–Cr–Fe alloys system was developed in this paper. For V x – (Ti–Cr–Fe) 100−x (Ti/ (Cr+Fe) = 1.0, Cr/Fe = 2.5, x = 20–55) alloys, with the increase of V content, the hydrogen absorption capacity and desorption capacity both increase, and plateau pressure decreases. Two phases, BCC and Laves phase, appear when x < 30, …


Гудуляс К. МАГНИТНО РАЗДЕЛЯНЕ НА ХРОМСЪДЪРЖАЩИ ЛАТЕРИТИ. The separation of the iron rich grains at 60 mТ induction was accompanied with high Cr content in the concentrate. It reached 48.6% at cross slope of 50, at 80.9% extraction rate. In 20% FeO the Cr/Fe ratio of the concentrate was 2,15.

хромит баяжуулах үйлдвэрүүд

хромит хүдэр баяжуулах жижиг үйлдвэрийг хэрхэн хромитийн хүдэр боловсруулах үйлдвэрүүд. 2021 7 8 Уулын хүдэр бэлтгэх тоног төхөөрөмжийг бутлах арга 2016 онд Хүдрийн ил уурхай нь 21700 мян.м3 уулын ...

Effects of Cr/Fe Ratio on Structural Evolution and Tensile …

As the Cr/Fe ratio increases (i.e., decreasing VEC), there is a phase transition from face-centered-cubic (FCC) to body-centered-cubic (BCC) and Heusler-type β′ -Ni 2 TiAl (L2 1). When x is between 17.1 and 22.3, the alloys, with the mixed structure of the FCC and BCC/L2 1 phases, behave like composites with a sharp increase in strength …

Density and thermal expansion of Cr–Fe, Fe–Ni, and Cr

Densities and their temperature coefficients of liquid Cr–Fe, Fe–Ni, and Cr–Ni binary alloys have been measured containerless using the technique of electromagnetic levitation. Data have been obtained in a wide temperature range including the supercooled region. The density measurements indicate that these binary systems have a small and …

An Atomistic Structure of Cementite (M3C, M = Fe, Cr, Mn) …

It is equally important to control the morphology and size of carbides and inclusions, and even more important to control carbides in steel [1–3].Cementite (Fe 3 C, FC) is the most common carbide in steel, and it is widely found in carbon steel or alloy steel [4, 5].Cr and Mn are the main metal elements doped in FC, they generally replace the …

Preparation of Ni–Fe–S Matte and Fe–Cr–Si Alloy by

In this work, stainless steel pickling sludge (SSPS) and Ni-bearing electroplating sludge (ES) were co-treated to prepare Ni matte and Fe–Cr–Si alloy. A two-stage sulfurization-smelting method was used for preparing the Ni matte. At the sulfurization stage, carbon, SSPS, and ES were mixed and reacted at 1000 °C. It was found that NiO …

Structure of chromium-rich Cr-Ni, Cr-Fe, Cr-Co, and Cr-Ni-Fe …

Abstract. Structural analyses were performed on alloy particles of chromium-rich Cr-Ni, Cr-Fe, Cr-Co, and Cr-Ni-Fe systems. Fine alloy particles (100 to 1000Å in diameter) were …

Cr-Fe-Zn (Chromium-Iron-Zinc) | Journal of Phase Equilibria …

In Fig. 1, the small composition range of P observed by [ 2008Ai] is neglected and the phase is shown at the fixed composition of Fe 18 Zn 79 Cr 3. At 600 °C, the solubility of Zn in (Cr) is 2.5 at.% and that of Cr in Γ, δ, and liquid is 5.4, 3.1, and 1.4 at.% respectively. The Cr-Zn binary compounds were not found at 600 °C.

Compatibility and microstructure evolution of Al-Cr-Fe-Ni …

Five Al-Cr-Fe-Ni based high entropy model alloys, mainly a mixture of FCC and BCC or single FCC phase, have been designed and prepared. The corrosion tests of as-cast alloys in oxygen-containing molten Pb show their promising corrosion resistances at 600 °C, which is due to the formation of protective (Fe,Cr) 3 O 4 /Al 2 O 3 or Cr 2 O 3 /Al …

смеда хромит баяжуулах үйлдвэр

хромит боловсруулах үйлдвэр манганы боловсруулах үйлдвэр Баяжуулах үйлдвэр ашиглалтад орсноос хойш нийт 1 сая тонн зэсийн агууламжтай баяжмал олборлов Хам хөвүүлэн баяжуулах хэсгийг …

Chromite-platinum mineralization of clinopyroxenite-dunite …

Chromite-platinum mineralization of clinopyroxenite-dunite massif Zheltaya Sopka, North Ural/ Хромит-платиновая минерализация клинопироксенит ...

Thermodynamic database for multi-principal element alloys …

In this database, the model (Al,Cr,Fe,Mn,Ni) 8 (Al,Co,Cr,Fe,Mn,Ni) 5 is used for γ-D8 2 and the model Al 1 2 (Co,Cr,Fe,Mn,Ni) 5 (Al,Cr,Fe,Mn,Ni) 9 is used for γ-D8 10. These models were selected based on those used in the included ternary assessments and for convenience. Both models might be too simple for general use, but worked …

Investigation on Ti–Zr–Cr–Fe–V based alloys for metal …

Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of the Ti–Zr–Cr–Fe–V based alloys. The crystallographic structures of all the alloy samples are determined as a single C14 Laves phase without other phases detected. The lattice parameters and unit cell volume of each alloy sample calculated from the corresponding XRD patterns are listed in Table 1.With …

An experimental study and a thermodynamic evaluation of the cr- fe …

An experimental study of the Cr-Fe-W system has been made using a diffusion couple technique. A number of tie-lines have been determined using a scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive X-ray analysis equipment. The structures of the observed intermetallic phases were determined by means of X-ray diffraction. The …

Effect of Alloying and Heat Treatment on Embrittlement of Fe-Cr …

The nickel content effects on the strength, plasticity, and low-cycle life of hardened and aged specimens of different modifications of austenitic iron-nickel steels and alloys in the initial state and after preliminary high-temperature hydrogenation in hydrogen at a pressure of 30 MPa and temperatures of 293, 773 and 973 K were studied. At 293 …

Behavior and Fate of Chromium and Carbon during Fe(II) …

We investigate how low-weight carboxyl-rich OC influences the transformation of ferrihydrite (Fh) and controls the mobility of Cr (VI/III) in reducing environments and …

An Overview of Currently Applied Ferrochrome …

The vast majority of produced Cr is used during the production of stainless steel, which owes its corrosion resistance mainly to the presence of Cr. In turn, stainless …

Relation between grade (% Cr2O3) and Cr:Fe ratio of …

Cr:Fe ratio feed was 0.55, after the process for size variation, roll speed, feeder speed and electric current decline Cr:Fe Ratio around 50.5%. When size -65+100 mesh Cr:Fe ratio was 0.282. At ...

Structure of chromium-rich Cr-Ni, Cr-Fe, Cr-Co, and Cr-Ni-Fe …

Structural analyses were performed on alloy particles of chromium-rich Cr-Ni, Cr-Fe, Cr-Co, and Cr-Ni-Fe systems. Fine alloy particles (100 to 1000Å in diameter) were prepared by evaporation of parent alloys in argon at 20 torr. In addition, alloy structures of bulk specimens of the Cr-Ni system were investigated using X-ray diffraction techniques to …

Oxidation and electrical properties of chromium–iron alloys …

Chromium–iron (CrFe) binary alloys have recently been proposed to serve as the "inert" anode for molten oxide electrolysis (MOE). Herein, the effects of anodic …

Structural and compositional evolution of Cr/Fe solids …

Previously, we demonstrated the reduction of Cr(VI) via Fe(II) produced during iron respiration by using four structurally diverse ferric (hydr)oxides (α-Fe 2 O 3, α-FeOOH, 2- and 6-line ferrihydrite) (Wielinga et al., 2001); data for two-line ferrihydrite as the terminal electron acceptor are provided in Figure 1a. Differences in sustained reduction …

Significant enhancement in comprehensive mechanical properties of Cr-Fe

Fig. 1 (i)–(j) exhibit element distribution of C0.0 and C0.01, and EDS mapping results are in Supplementary Fig. S2-S3, respectively, showing that FCC phases in both HEAs are (Ni,Fe,Cu)-rich, while BCC phases are (Cr,Al)-rich, and other elements are relatively homogeneously distributed. And in C0.01, certain increase in the enrichment of …

Chemical beneficiation of chromite ore to improve the …

Ferrochrome (FeCr), a relatively crude alloy comprised primarily of iron (Fe) and chromium (Cr), is vital for the production of stainless steel. FeCr is produced from …

Self-supporting high-entropy Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Nb oxide …

The synthesis process of the nanoporous Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Nb catalyst is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows the XRD patterns before and after dealloying. The CoCrFeNi 2 Nb 0.74 precursor ribbons are composed of FCC solid solution and Laves phase. After dealloying, the peaks of FCC phase become weaker, while the peaks of Laves phase become …

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

The iron and a series of Fe-Cr alloys, listed in Table 1, were produced in button form having 24 mm diameter and 9 mm thick from appropriate weights of interstitial free (IF) steel and Fe-35Cr master alloy by using a laboratory vacuum arc melter (Edmund ™ make AM200).The ingot buttons were remelted four to five times in the melter …

Prediction and theoretical investigation of dehydrogenation …

The doping of Al, Si, Zr, Cr, Fe, Co, and Ni used in the synthesis of various alloys suggested a nonmonotonic complicated impact on the enthalpy of dehydrogenation [17]. And obtaining the composition with ideal performances is pretty hard relying on only empirical knowledge and experimental tests. It is necessary to give an explicit relation ...

First-principles study of chromium diffusion in the ferritic Fe …

Our results provide a profound understanding of the microscopic diffusion mechanism of Cr atom in the ferritic Fe-Cr alloy, which could give theoretical guidance …

Design of Novel Precipitate-Strengthened Al-Co …

A series of non-equiatomic Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Nb-Ni high-entropy alloys, with varying levels of Co, Nb and Fe, were investigated in an effort to obtain microstructures similar to conventional Ni-based superalloys. …