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KX500 tank on a KDX?

Posted December 29, 2010. The KDX seat will bolt up on the KX500, but the front of the KDX seat extends farther up the tank, is more rounded and has a metal connector to the tank that the KX does not. It sounds like the ticket would be a KX tank and seat. The back of the seat pan on the KX seat is also different and would need to be modified to ...

A Closer Look at Jeremy McGrath's Kawasaki KX500

A complete Hinson Racing clutch kit was installed to help put the power to the ground. "Power is never a problem on a 500," said McGrath. "So the goal was to just get the bike running clean and smoothly.". Modern upgrades were made to several parts of the machine. A current Showa A Kit fork, front wheel, and front brake system were ...

KX500 Billet aluminium silencer bracket 1988

Kawasaki KX 125 from 1988 and 1989. This is a billet aluminium silencer bracket for Kawasaki KX500. This part 35011-1534 is discontinued from Kawasaki. It replaces the original extruded item. This is CNC machined from billet 6061 T6 material, we install an M6 thread to eliminate the need for a nut. The bracket is available in silver, blue or ...

How to make a KX500 billet extended clutch arm.

How to make a KX500 billet extended clutch arm for an easier clutch pull. It's no secret that the KX500 has amazing power and are great hill climb and desert bikes, …

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Kawasaki KX420/KX500 Motocross Model History 1980-2004

Here are Kawasaki's Open Class motocross racers from its introduction in 1980 through its retirement in 2004. Kawasaki's KX420/KX500 Motocross Machines 1980-2004


Sean Collier single-handedly turned the venerable Kawasaki KX500 into the restoration bike of the last five years. So, it was a little surprising to find Sean at the 2017 World Two-Stroke ...

2004 KAWASAKI KX500 Parts & Accessories

Displaying parts for your 2004 KAWASAKI KX500. Change or remove machine. HIDE STOCK SIZES. See stock sizes for this machine. Front Tire: 80/100x21. Rear Tire: 120/90x19. Front Sprocket: 14 Tooth. Rear Sprocket: 47 Tooth.

1993 KAWASAKI KX500 Parts & Accessories

Displaying parts for your 1993 KAWASAKI KX500. Change or remove machine. HIDE STOCK SIZES. See stock sizes for this machine. Front Tire: 80/100x21. Rear Tire: 120/90x19. Front Sprocket: 14 Tooth. Rear Sprocket: 47 Tooth.

KX500 38mm Mikuni Jetting Question | The Dirt Bike

I think the older KX500's used to come with them. I'm currently using the stock 39mm Kehin PWK and have spent a fortune in brass jetting it. :ahhh: Thanks, Kawadougie 2003 KX-500 Folsom, California - EFM Auto Clutch, porting and head work by Eric Gorr, V-Force reed block, Moose Spacer, FMF Gnarly pipe, plastic tank by Clarke, …

KX500AF Conversion Cylinder Head Mounts – Two-Strokes …

Billet 6061 T6 Aluminum cylinder head mounts to be used in your Kx500AF conversion. These are designed to bolt in to the stock cylinder head mount location on the 2009-2016 kx250f and Kx450f chassis. Compatible with the 1989+ Kx500 engine. Whats included: Billet cylinder head mounts (Left and Right) Complete hardware set.

First Year – 1983 Kawasaki KX500 | Bike-urious

Introduced in 1983, Kawasaki's KX500 was the first of the 500cc MX bikes – it would also be the last, staying in production until 2004 (though it didn't get any significant updates after 1990). When it first came out, Dirt Bike called it "a fuse looking for a light," "unrideable," and "violent.".

Modern Baja Tribute: Kawasaki KX500AF …

The Kawasaki KX500 is one of the most legendary, if not notorious, off-road weapons ever created. The performance numbers are still impressive today. In factory trim, the 1992-2004 model boasted 63 …


His old Suzuki Quadracer 250 was a good machine, but he wanted something a little faster. No problem for Martin. He simply took the engine out of a KX500 dirt bike and made it fit into the Quadracer's chassis. There's nothing as brutally explosive as a big 500 two-stroke. We totally understand why so many of these engines wind up in …

борлуулагч | хэрэгсэл | Киа Монгол

Монгол дахь албан ёсны Киагийн борлуулагчийн талаар илүү ихийг унших. Тэд хамгийн сайн борлуулалт ба борлуулалтын дараах үйлчилгээг үзүүлэхэд хэрхэн анхаардгийг олж мэдэх.

Kawasaki KX500 Specs and Review

The KX500 was a 499-cc MX-oriented motorcycle produced by Kawasaki from 1983 to 2004. Dubbed as one of the greatest dirt bikes in history, this 2-stroke machine had excellent suspension, monstrous …

Kx500??? | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums

When you say 4 grand is OK but 6 grand over that is too much. 450 4 strokes start at 7200 dollars and go up from there. Add in the freight, set up and State tax. Now your at 8 to 9 thousand dollars. The KX 500 AF starts to look pretty good. I own a 2004 KX 500 (last year made) and a 1997 CR 500R (2001 last year made).

Used 500 Kx For Sale

2000 Kawasaki KX500. Excellent condition. Mostly stock and well maintained. This Kawasaki's legendary Big-Bore 2-Stroke Motocross bike. Asking $5,500. Private Seller . Celina, TX . $0. Used 2003 Kawasaki Standard . KX500K3 500 . Stock # 035043. 2003 Kawasaki KX500K3, Cernic's . Johnstown, PA .

orange co for sale "kx500"

For Sale "kx500" in Orange County, CA. see also. YAMA-LAND RESTORATION VINTAGE ENDURO MOTORCYCLE SALES SERVICE REPAIR. $0. WE BUY VINTAGE STREET LEGAL TITLED ENDURO MOTORCYCLES CASH ITP Mud Lite ATC Sand Tire. $25. San Juan Capistrano 1980 Yamaha SR250. $3,800. San Juan Capistrano ...

Kx500??? | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums

I own a 2004 KX 500 (last year made) and a 1997 CR 500R (2001 last year made). In your number crunching you should think about the cost to work on the bikes. 4 …

Need advice on my KX500............. | Kawasaki Motorcycle …

I was planning to use some F2 wheels for my KX500. Can you tell me how hard it was to fit them up and what type of mods the fella did to make them work?

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Холбоо барих. БГ дүүрэг, 6 хороо, К103 байр, 1 давхар (25-р эмийн сангийн төв замаас УБ палас руу эргээд туслах замын урд)

Kawasakis KX500: Off-Road

KAWASAKI KX500 Features and Benefits. Electrofusion Cylinder? Improves heat transfer for consistent power output? Porous design holds lubrication well and resists abrasion …


FMF crafted a specially made pipe and sent over a Titanium Powercore 2.1 silencer. Collier's KX500 surpassed 66 horsepower on the dyno, with 45 foot-pounds of torque. If you think that's not ...

KX500AF pipe needed!

I run FMF on my standard KX500, and have always been a fan. The AF, however, is sporting Pro Circuit exhaust of the CR500 origin. If you need any pics of it, I'll …

Vintage Kawasaki KX500 Motorcycle Parts | VintCo

Kawasaki KX500 1987-04 Clutch Kit. $106.95. Kawasaki KX500 1988-04 Piston Kit 86.00mm Standard. $175.95. Kawasaki KX500 1988-2004 Piston Kit 86.5mm 0.5mm Over. $175.95.

KX250 Style tank on a KX500? | SuperMoto Junkie

887 posts · Joined 2005. #4 · Jan 17, 2006. I believe the kit contacterich is talking about is the rocketdog kit. It was basically a modified kx250 frame which allowed for a kx500 motor to be bolted in. A lot of guys were not really impressed with the kit due to the amount of mods that was required to fit the motor.

Kawasaki Kx500 Motorcycles for sale

West Haven, Connecticut. Year 2001. Make Kawasaki. Model KX. Category Off Road Motorcycles. Engine 500. Posted Over 1 Month. 2001 kx 500 in excellent condition,very fast,comes with extra sprockets,tires are newer with plenty of tread left.This bike also has a clear title. Trim kx 500.

KX500 – MXB-Mods

https://mxb-mods/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/KX500.pnt. In 2020 Honda CRF250R OEM, Service Honda CR500AF OEM Manufacturer Honda. Back to top


CHECK OUT THE FULL TEST & SEPERATE VIDEOS OF THESE BIKES HERE. big bores cr500 vs kx500 honda cr500 KAWASAKI kx500 motocross mxa video open class two-stroke two-stroke. We test the "big beasts" of ...


On this week's Two-Stroke Tuesday we give you the first official look at Tyler Bowers' Kawasaki KX500 build with an early '90s theme appropriately named "The Unit.". Bowers had lots of help with this build …

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How to make a KX500 billet extended clutch arm.

Here is what we are attempting to do. We are using a stock KX500 Clutch arm, a YFZ450F billet Clutch arm from MOdQuad, and a stock YFZ450F clutch arm. If everything works as planned this should give as a clutch arm that is 20% longer than stock. The plan is to use the bottom half of the KX500 clutch arm with the top half of the …

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