Configuring a LAMPP server for PHP development/Linux …

The installation of a LAMP server on Linux is easy. Just follow these instructions: Open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin php5-curl. Say yes [Y] when the package manager asks you download and install the packages. This step will take some time.

XAMPP ашиглан PHP файлыг хэрхэн үүсгэж ажиллуулах вэ?

XAMPP ашиглан PHP файл үүсгэж ажиллуулахын тулд та XAMPP суулгах, шаардлагатай тохиргоог хийх, PHP файлыг өөрөө үүсгэх зэрэг хэд хэдэн …

Can't start installation process; error finding autoload.psr4.php

I am trying to install Joomla 5.0.3 on Debian OS with a XAMPP installation (PHP 8.2.12). I followed the instructions on the installation guide. The steps of the …

[Solved]Unable to write to wp-config.php file on linux ubuntu

The error is related to the default linux unauthorised read and write or file permissions for that folder where you have your wordpress. This is a quick solution to fix …

How to access xampp htdocs folder in Ubuntu 18.04.2

The htdocs folder can be found in /opt/lampp/. You can navigate to your root folder from the file manager (nautilus by default), by clicking on Other locations from …


I also had similar problem. This was what I did: chmod my files to 755. You can do this by using (you can try chmoding all files and dirs :p ) but please try step 2 first:. chmod -R 755 your_folder/ Since my classes name began with a small letter which is incorrect

PHP: Installing/Configuring

(Because I had PHP 5.4 I downloaded "". 3. Extract the contents of the zip file and go to the directory where the files were extracted. 4. Copy the php_imagick.dll in yout PHP's ext folder. 5. All the other dll that you extracted from the zip file can go into apache's bin directory.

FatalError During inheritance of ArrayAccess: Uncaught

I received this error when moving an old Laravel installation (v5.7.28) to a new server and it was down to the target server using PHP 8.0 whereas the original server was PHP 7.2. …

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught …

Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly

How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) Stack on …

1-click deploy a database using DigitalOcean Managed Databases. Let DigitalOcean focus on scaling, maintenance, and upgrades for your database. Setup a …

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught …

Abdelmonem-BEN-NACEUR commented on Jul 17, 2017. If you are getting a bundle not found error in Symfony, in composer.json, modify the psr-4 section under …

how to run php program that saved in opt/lampp/htdocs

1. If lampp is not already running start it from a Terminal crtl + alt + t type: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start. Then open a browser and go to the url localhost/yourFile.php. Replace yourFile.php with the name of your php file. Or name the php file index.php and just enter localhost in the browser. Share.

How to Fix the WordPress Failed to Open Stream Error

Having said that, let's take a look at how to troubleshoot and fix the 'failed to open stream' error in your WordPress website based on the error message. You can …

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chileconstruction post earthquake - chileconstruction post earthquake chileconstruction post earthquake - Jaw Crusher,Export Jaw, Stone crushing equipment is designed to achieve maximum productivity and high reduction ratio [24/7 Live Chat ] coal mining conveyors taiwan earthquake kills. Read More. processor of grinding of feldspar

Анхааруулга Тодорхойгүй хувьсагч htmltitle opt lampp …

Can't create any folder in htdocs on ubuntu. First you need to look at who is owning /opt/lampp/htdocs: $ ls -ld /opt/lampp/htdocs. Should return something like: drwxr-xr …

Unable to copy file from /opt/lampp/htdocs to /home/username/ using PHP

0. The folder your PHP script is trying to write to will probably be owned by the root user. Your PHP script is running under the user if you're using a default Ubuntu/Apache/PHP setup. As such you need to: chown -R : *dir*. chmod -R g+w *dir*. you don't have to do the second line if ls -al shows you this.

htdocs folder not found in "/opt/lampp" after installing …

There are two ways to setup a LAMP server: By either installing individual packages as you have done which is the standard way or by doing some kind of non …

How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) Stack …

PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.2). …

Pemberitahuan Variabel tidak terdefinisi htmltitle di opt lampp htdocs

how to run php program that saved in opt/lampp/htdocs Sorted by: 1. If lampp is not already running start it from a Terminal crtl + alt + t type: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start. Then open a browser and go to the url localhost/yourFile.php. Replace yourFile.php with the name of your php file. Or name the php file index.php and just enter localhost ...