Getting Started on your Free Trial

Level Up Your WoW Experience. Your Free Trial is just the beginning. A World of Warcraft Subscription is the gateway to continue leveling up. Unlock an ever-growing universe spanning multiple continents, worlds and dimensions, as well as WoW Classic—the faithful recreation of WoW's original release. Free Trial. Subscription. Requires ...

Warcraft Logs

Welcome to Warcraft Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMO. Record your combats, upload them to the site and analyze them in real time. Find out exactly what went wrong and discover what you need to do to fix it!

Details! Damage Meter

Programmable Custom Displays: build your own display using the Details! API. Raid Tools: a set of small tools to help on the day-by-day raiding. Weakaura Creator: create an …

[1000+] World Of Warcraft Wallpapers

13. 4K+ Ultra HD (3996x2471) 18,056. Tags Video Game World Of Warcraft. [Download All Sizes Free Crop And Personalize]: Elevate Your Desktop with High-Quality World of Warcraft HD Wallpapers: Immerse yourself in the epic landscapes and legendary characters of Azeroth on your home screen.

Midsummer Fire Festival (June 21

Midsummer Fire Festival is here! Embrace the spirit of summer by honoring your faction's flames and desecrating the enemy's! Throughout the world, there are bonfires surrounded by questgivers and NPCs that sell summer-themed items in exchange for Burning Blossoms. Commoner NPCs of all races can be found lingering around the …

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WoW - Adamantite Хүдэр . Warcraft Дэлхийн Дэлхийн олон дамжуулагч бөгөөд дунд нь энгийн, илүү их ховор аль аль нь байдаг тархсан. ховор амьдралын нэг …

Details! Damage Meter

Description. Most powerful, reliable, handsome, damage meter for World of Warcraft. Join Details! Discord Server: Support Details! development. Easy Setup. Options panel with clear navigation, open and close windows at a …

Wow Mining Guide 1-300 Мөнгөний хүдэр

WoW Mining Guide 1-600 with Routes | WoW Classic Guides. This guide will help you level Mining from 1 to 600 by both gathering ore and smelting it. You'll be able to save time …


Mythos. Origins of the universe - the universe is created from the clash of the Light and the Void. The rise of demons - demons arise in the Twisting Nether. The Jailer is banished to the Maw by the other Eternal Ones, …

Classic WoW Mining Leveling Guide 1-300

Ores in these zones: Thorium Ore, Mithril Ore Now you can mine Rich Thorium Veins too. Congratulations on reaching 300! Please send feedbackabout the guide if you think there are parts I could improve, or you found typos, errors, wrong material numbers! See more

3v3 Arena

Player vs. Player Leaderboards. Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here.

Man'ari Eredar Questline Walkthrough

After completing the final quest and receiving Seeing Red and the new toy Mirror of Humility (Transforms you into a Man'ari Draenei for 30 minutes), Velen, Arzal'kal, and Hatuun start talking. Prophet Velen says: It cannot be... and yet I behold it. A shard of the Ata'mal crystal. Brilliant Star, it was called.

World of Warcraft Guides and News

Icy Veins provides detailed guides and news for World of Warcraft: class guides, raid guides, event guides, pvp guides, etc.

Warcraft Rumble Cross-Promotion Event: Locations of All Coins

Warcraft Rumble is a new mobile game that is being released by Blizzard on November 3rd, 2023. To celebrate the upcoming launch of Warcraft Rumble, a cross-promotion event was added in World of Warcraft, in which players need to search locations in-game for Coins and Foil to obtain Warcraft Rumble-themed toys! In this …

World Of WarCraft: Every Expansion In Chronological Order

Original Release Date: December 7, 2010. New Races: Goblins & Worgen. New Zones: Kezan, The Maelstrom, Twilight Highlands, & Gilneas. Cataclysm was a WoW expansion that brought a lot of changes to ...

"Дэлхийн мөнгөний долоо хоног 2024" аян эхэллээ – …

Тиймээс манай улс энэ жил "Дэлхийн мөнгөний долоо хоног-2024" аяныг "Мөнгөний эрсдэлээс хамгаалж, ирээдүйгээ баталгаажуулъя" уриан дор тэмдэглэж байна. Тус аян нь 2024.03.20 – 2024.04.10 – ны ...

World of Warcraft's Anniversary Celebration

Paryah. Welcome to Wowhead's Guide for the World of Warcraft Anniversary event. This event is celebrated yearly and commemorates the anniversary of World of Warcraft's initial release in November of 2004. In addition to rewards for just logging in during the event, players may also participate in special in-game content for …

New 4k Digital Backgrounds Available

Shadowlands: Revendreth. Battle for Azeroth: Ny'alotha, the Waking City. Battle for Azeroth: The Necropolis. Legion: The Dreamgrove. Stormsong Valley. Lordaeron. Stormwind City. Orgrimmar. Whether you're doing a little at-home streaming or are working from home, we have just the thing you're looking for—new 4k digital backgrounds.

Timeline (World of Warcraft)

The first time World of Warcraft was an answer on Jeopardy! was on November 16, 2005. January 18 - World of Warcraft launches in South Korea. January 28 - The world first of world first raid boss kills, Onyxia falls at the hands of Chosen (Elune-KR) February 11 - World of Warcraft launches in Europe.


Flightstones. Earned from completing world quests, raids, dungeons, battlegrounds, arena matches, and other activities. Used to upgrade max-level gear. Dropped by (311) Reward from (595) Contained in (2) Contained in (120) Currency for (9) News (12)


Tier List Guides. Welcome to Wowhead's Class Rankings for Raid and Mythic+ content in Patch 10.2. Our tier lists are made for players who prefer to choose their class based on its usefulness in the current Dragonflight Season 3 metagame. We rank all DPS, Healers, and Tanks from strongest to weakest based on a variety of factors, and we will ...

World of Warcraft Forums

Join the official World of Warcraft Forums and share your opinions, stories, and tips with other players. Find topics on gameplay, lore, recruitment, and more.

WoW Mythic Progress :: WoWProgress

WoWProgress - Mythic Progress, Detailed History of Guilds and Characters, PvE Progression, Recruitment

2v2 Arena

Player vs. Player Leaderboards. Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here.


Comment by 93865 My group has been farming him for four weeks straight now, with a raid comprised of 10-20 level 80 players, a minority of whom had experienced AQ40 at 60.

Wowmeta: WoW Guides, Rankings & Tools

easiest. way to know the Meta in WoW. Wowmeta helps you to improve at World of Warcraft by providing the latest statistics from World's Top Players. No walls of text or lengthy videos – everything is at your fingertips in our simple spreadsheets. Wowmeta provides easy to use guides, rankings and tools for World of Warcraft.

WoW realm status

World of Warcraft server population, statistics and status

Today in WoW

Menagerie. Blingtron 4999b. Protectron 022481. Protectron 011803. A list of everything happening in WoW today, such as world bosses, assaults, callings, rotating weekly and daily quests, pet battles, and more.


Metal. Metals are mineral items found as raw ore (in most cases) by mining veins and deposits. They are often usable as ingredients for professions (usually Blacksmithing or …

Wow Connect: Reborn | Mahjong Games

I was able to find the original WOW connect on page 2 or 3 of your collection so I will go back to playing that and hope you can fix the glitches that still exist in that game (you match 2 tiles but one remains on the board, the game automatically refreshes after you match a pair even though there are more pairs to match on the board etc).

Attributes and Stats from World of Warcraft

There are four different tertiary stats, each wildly different than the others. Speed - Increases the base movement speed of the character by a given amount. Indestructible - Items with this tertiary stat will not have a durability attribute and thus won't ever break, saving the player eventual repair costs.

WoW realm status

Do you want to know the current status and population of the US WoW servers? Visit Wowanalytica and get the latest data on realms, factions, races, classes, and more. Wowanalytica is your source for WoW statistics, guides, items, and news.

World of Warcraft®: Dragonflight

Dominate the Dragon Isles as a newly awakened Dracthyr Evoker, World of Warcraft's first-ever playable race-and-class combo. Draconic Heritage. Dracthyr Evokers freely switch between two customizable forms—choosing between a humanoid visage, and a fearsome draconic form to battle foes and overcome obstacles. Choose Your Allegiance.