Mil Mi-24 – Wikipedie

Mil Mi-24 (rusky Миль Ми-24) je velký dvoumotorový bitevní či transportně-bitevní vrtulník určený pro přímou podporu pozemních jednotek, včetně ničení tanků a obrněných cílů. Mezi bitevními vrtulníky je unikátní schopností přepravit až 8 osob nebo 1500 kg materiálu v nákladovém prostoru. Severoatlantická aliance mu přidělila kódové jméno „Hind ...

I když AČR už vrtulník Mi-24/35 vyřadila, bude u nás nadále …

Začínal u nás jako obránce železné opony a kladivo na tanky NATO, a vydržel v naší službě přes čtyři dekády. Řeč je o legendárním bitevním vrtulníku Mil Mi-24 (ve vývozní verzi Mi-35), který po Novém roce 2024 v české armádě „definitivně" skončil, o čemž bylo rozhodnuto již dříve.Jenomže jejich moderní nástupce AH-1Z Viper je není …

MI-35M, Zvezda 4813 (2022)

Mil Mi-35M Hind-E Воздушно ... Mi-24V cockpit black (Mi-35) Brassin PRINT and SPACE for Zvezda kit. Eduard 1:48. 648838 2023 New tool. Mi-24V black (Mi-35) LööK. Eduard 1:48. 644201 2023 New tool. Mi-35M. Eduard 1:48. BIG49355 2023 Model set. Soviet pilot briefing in Afghanistan. Live Resin 1:48.

Air Force officer first American to fly Mi-35 HIND in combat

KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S. Air Force Maj. Caleb Nimmo is the first American Mi-35 HIND attack helicopter pilot to fly in combat. He is deployed to Afghanistan advising the Afghan National Army Air Corps' rotary wing squadron as part of the 438th Air Expeditionary Wing, Combined Air Power Transition Force. The 377th Rotary Wing …

Mi-24 Helicopter [Free]

The Mil Mi-24 (Russian: Миль Ми-24; NATO reporting name: Hind) is a large helicopter gunship, attack helicopter and low-capacity troop transport with room for eight passengers.[1] It is produced by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and was introduced by the Soviet Air Force in 1972. The helicopter is currently in use by 58 countries - Mi-24 …

Mil Mi-8 Gunship [Add-On / FiveM]

The Mil Mi-8 (Russian: Ми-8, NATO reporting name: Hip) is a medium twin-turbine helicopter, originally designed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s and introduced into the Soviet Air Force in 1968. It is now produced by Russia. In addition to its most common role as a transport helicopter, the Mi-8 is also used as an airborne command post, armed …

Mi-24P (Mi-25 and Mi-35) Hind

The helicopter has six suspension weapon units on the wingtips. The Mi24D (Mi-25) and the Mi-24V (Mi-35) are equipped with a YakB four-barrelled, 12.7mm, built-in, flexibly mounted machine gun, which has a firing rate of 4,000-4,500 rounds a minute and a muzzle velocity of 860m/s. The Mi-24P is fitted with a 30mm, built-in, fixed gun mount; …

Mil Mi-24 and Mi-35 Hind family reviewed

Mil Mi-24 and Mi-35 Hind family reviewed. Known as the world's most numerous attack helicopter, the Mi-24/35 Hind is still in production in Russia, with a series of upgrades and continuing interest …

Mil Mi-35M, Begemot 72-053 (2014)

Mil Mi-24 Hind AH-2 Sabre Força Aérea Brasileira (Brazilian Air Force 1941-now) 8 G.Av. 8956 2012 - Porto Velho. Mil Mi-35M2 Hind-E Ejército Nacional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela (Venezuelan Army 1810-now) Batallón de Helicópteros Multiproposito Coronel Mauricio Encinoso EV-0683 2009 - Fuerte-Tavakare AB. Mil Mi-35M3 Hind-E

Mil Mi-35MS

The Mil Mi-35MS is a development from the legendary Mi-24 assault helicopter dubbed 'Crocodile.'. The Mi-35MS is positioned as special military command and control/communication helicopter for ...

Mil Mi-24 / Mi-25 / Mi-35

Max Take Off Weight: 12,000 Kg 26,455 lbs Max Landing Weight: Max Payload: 3,500 Kg 7,716 lbs Fuel Tank Capacity: 563 gallon 2,131 litre

Česká armáda vyřadí vrtulníky Mi-35. Nahradí je

Foto: MIL Mi-35 ve službách AČR | Flickr se souhlasem majitele. Když bylo zřejmé, že vojenské letectvo nechce čistokrevné bitevníky, mnoho lidí věřilo, že pořídí BlackHawky (jistě nejen proto, že Black Hawk Down je pro české vojáky kultovním filmem). Armádní velení vzneslo smělé požadavky, včetně integrace ...

Aircraft Photo of 3369 | Mil Mi-35 | Czechia

Aircraft photo of 3369 - Mil Mi-35 - Czechia - Air Force, taken by Alastair T. Gardiner at Pardubice (LKPD / PED) in Czechia on 29 May 2022 during the Aviatická …

Mil Mi-35 (Hind-E)

Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Mil Mi-35 (Hind-E) All-Weather Heavy Assault Gunship / Attack Helicopter including …

Mil Mi-35M, Zvezda 7276 (2010)

Mil Mi-35M Hind-E Rostvertol. Demonstrator Yellow 77. Inhalt der Box. Spritzgußrahmen, Decalbogen (Nassschiebebilder) ... Mi-35 Interior colouredPE-detail set for Zvezda 7276. Microdesign 1:72. MD 072004 2021 Neue Bausatzform. Mi …

Mil Mi-24

Mil Mi-24 ( Миль Ми-24, NATO oznaka: Hind) je velik dvomotorni jurišni helikopter, ki so ga načrtovali v Sovjetski zvezi pri biroju Mil. [1]. Za razliko od večine drugih jurišnih helikopterjev ima Mi-24 možnost transporta od 8 vojakov ali 2400 kg tovora. V uporabi je od leta 1972, skupaj so proizvedli okrog 2300 helikopterjev, kar ga ...


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Mil Mi-24

Mil Mi-24 (Rusça: Миль Ми-24); NATO rapor ismi: "Hind") 1972 yılından beri Mil Moskova Helikopter Fabrikası tarafından üretilen ve elli ülke tarafından kullanılmakta olan Sovyet tasarımı, saldırı ve düşük kapasiteli askeri taşıma helikopteridir.Sovyet pilotları ona "uçan tank" (летающий танк) adını takmışlardır.

Mi-24V Hind, Eduard BIG3226 (2005)

Eduard detail set in scale 1:35, BIG3226 is a rebox released in 2005 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Mil Mi-24 Hind | EAN: 8591437632268 ... Mil Mi-24 Hind » Helicopters (Aircraft) Box contents. Photoetched fret, Masking sheet. Dimensions: 260x200x10 mm (10.2x7.9x0.4 inch) Weight: 181 g (0.4 lbs) Designed for

Mil Mi-24V Hind-E Helicopter, Trumpeter 05103 (2004)

Trumpeter Modellbausatz im Maßstab 1:35, 05103 ist eine Neue Bausatzform erschienen im jahr 2004 | Inhalte, Vorschau, Bausatzvorstellungen, Geschichte + Marktplatz | Mil Mi-24 Hind | EAN: 9580208051031

Trumpeter 1/35 Scale Soviet Mil Mi4A Hound A Helicopter

Trumpeter 1/35 Scale Soviet Mil Mi4A Hound A Helicopter . Brand: Trumpeter. Search this page . $67.40 $ 67. 40 ... The Mil Mi-4 assault transport was the product of an October 1951 ultimatum given by Josef Stalin to design and construct a transport helicopter within 12 months. It is a piston-engine aircraft developed for unarmed …

Mil Mi-35 Hind

Operators, Versions and serials of MIL Mi-35 Hind helicopter.

Mil Mi-24 and Mi-35 Hind family reviewed

7th January 2023. Feature. Known as the world's most numerous attack helicopter, the Mi-24/35 Hind is still in production in Russia, with a series of upgrades and continuing interest from operators. Alexander Mladenov reports. The redesigned and digitised Mi-35M/Ps are being promoted as leading the way as potent and wellarmoured gunships ...

Mil Mi-35M: Hubschrauber / Helicopter

Der Mi-35 M ist die neueste Exportversion des Mil Mi-24 /25 (Hind) mit komplett neuer Avionik, die unter anderem einen neuen Bordrechner, multifunktionale LCDs, neue Navigationssysteme, ein neues Nachtsichtgerät, eine Infrarot-Sensorik vom Typ OPS-24M und einen Laserentfernungsmesser beinhaltet. Der Mi-35M wurde ebenfalls mit einem ...

Mil Mi-24

El Mil Mi-24 (en ruso: Ми-24; designación OTAN: Hind [2] ) es un helicóptero artillado y helicóptero de ataque [3] de gran tamaño y con capacidad limitada para transporte de tropas producido por la Fábrica de helicópteros Mil de Moscú desde comienzos de los años 1970. [4] Entre las variantes del Mi-24 se encuentran las versiones de exportación Mi-25 …

Mil Mi-24V Hind E by Alessandro Gobbi (Trumpeter 1/35)

Trumpeter's 1/32 scale Mi-24V Hind E is available online from Squadron. Description. Here some photos of my Trumpeter Mil Mi-24V Hind-E in 1/35 scale. This is my last creation, which took more or less six months. The model has been improved with many extra details (especially engines and rotors), not bought from aftermarket but found at home ...

Mil Mi-35MS

Mil Mi-35. The Mi-24 is the Russian HIND attack helicopter. The Mi-35 is the export version of the Russian Mi-24 HIND attack helicopters, manufactured by the Rostvertol Company based in Rostov on Don.

Mil Mi-35M, Zvezda 7276 (2010)

Mil Mi-35M Hind-E Rostvertol. Demonstrator Yellow 77. Box contents. Plastic sprue, Decalsheet (waterslide) ... Mi-35 Interior colouredPE-detail set for Zvezda 7276. Microdesign 1:72. MD 072004 2021 New tool. Mi-35 PE-detail set for Zvezda 7276. Microdesign 1:72. MD 072245 201x New tool.

Mil Mi-35P Hind aviation photos on JetPhotos

Mil Mi-35P Hind aviation photos on JetPhotos. Sort by: Airline: Indonesia - Army. Reg: HS-7152 photos. Aircraft: Mil Mi-35P Hind. Serial #: Photo date: . …

Mil Mi-35M Hind-E Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and …

The Mi-35M airframe design is based on the Mi-24 Hind by combining several improvements, including shortened stub wings, a new rotor system, modern avionics, an improved turboshaft engine and a hydraulic system.