Yercaud Hill Station

Yercaud, in Salem District, Tamil Nadu, is a less explored and undiscovered hill station that is located in the Eastern Ghats at an altitude of 1515 meters (4970 ft) above sea level, in …

10 Best Places to Visit in Yercaud for Memorable Trip to Tamil Nadu

The cliffs around the point are also a great spot for hiking and trekking and the sunrise and sunset from here are striking. 5. Lady's Seat. Ladys Seat. The Lady's Seat is another striking viewpoint in Yercaud and is open from 6 am to 6 pm. One can see the winding ghat roads below and it is quite a sight.


Excavation was conducted on the northern end platform of "Dovjoo-1" site in an area of 10. by10 meters. From it, we have discovered remain of an old structure measuring 450 by 450 cm. The foundation of this building was made of …


Yercaud is a small town with few places to visit. Servarayan temple, Pagoda Point, Karadiyur view point, PEEKU Park, children's park (near lake), Lake boating are the decent ones. PLACES TO AVOID: LADIES SEAT, GENTS SEAT, BOTANICAL GARDEN are utter waste of money. Kiliyur falls is NOT WORTH visiting at all.

Yercaud Hill Station

Yercaud Hill Station - Tamilnadu. Yercaud is the most popular station in Salem District, also known as the "Jewel of South India", which is at an altitude of 5,000 feet above sea level. This place is one of the major attractions in Tamil Nadu. Yercaud is famous for Forest Lake, bananas, oranges, coffee and citrus grow in abundance.

Yercaud – Travel guide at Wikivoyage

Yercaud Town. Yercaud town is at an altitude of 1515 metres above sea level. The Taluk headquarters is in Yercaud. The town has a number of seminaries and convents where brothers and sisters of various religious orders have their training schools. The Montfort School and Sacred Heart Convent are famous in the country.

Yercaud Tourism- Best Places to Visit in Yercaud, Tamil Nadu | Travel Guide

Yercaud Lake, Lady's Seat, Shevaroy Temple, Anna Park, Bears Cave, Orchidarium, Pagoda Point, Kiliyur Falls, and Arthur Seat are some of the tourism destinations in Yercaud that one must visit. Amongst these, Botanical Garden is one such place which you surely can't afford to miss out. This orchadium is nurtured with over 250 species of …


Feb 2020 • Family. Yercaud is a hill station and an outlet for all college students going for ride, camp fire etc. It has beautiful villas bungalow and hotel rooms to stay. It has both public places and solid private estates to …

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Монголын төв нутаг дахь Түрэгийн хүн чулуу. Улаанбаатар. Баяр, 1999 - Баяр Д., Эрдэнэбаатар Д. Монгол Алтайн хүн чулуун хөшөө. Улаанбаатар. Баяр, 2001 - Баяр Д. Монгол нутаг дахь хүн чулуун хөшөө.

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Yercaud – Land of Magnificent hills And Panoramic views

Yercaud is a hilly region rich in flora and fauna. It has beautiful lakes, hills, gardens, valleys, and green forests. The hill station is also home to numerous fruit, …

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Yercaud's Hidden Gems: Must-Visit Places in the Jewel of the …

Be mesmerised by the Floating Fountain at Yercaud Lake or visit one of the stores and restaurants that offer the real taste of Tamil Nadu. Surrounded by lush …

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THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Yercaud (UPDATED 2024)

Yercaud is a hill station in Tamil Nadu, known for its scenic beauty, coffee plantations, and wildlife. Explore the top attractions in Yercaud, such as the lake, the botanical garden, the pagoda point, and the waterfalls, with Tripadvisor's reviews, ratings, and photos. Plan your perfect trip to Yercaud with Tripadvisor.

THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Yercaud

Best time to visit in the evening to have pleasant boating experience. 5. Pagoda Point. 525. Lookouts. Panoramic viewpoint amidst cool climes provides a serene escape with views of lush landscapes. Enjoy the tranquility and natural beauty with scenic overlooks. 6. Karadiyur View Point.

10 Beautiful Places to Visit in Yercaud

2. Anna Park. This is a group of four small parks known as Lake Park, Deer Park, Children's Park and Gandhi Park. Anna Park is a well-maintained garden near the Emerald Lake. The park has many indigenous plants and bonsai varieties. The park has a nursery offering many flowering plants at nominal rates.

Yercaud Travel Guide 2024: Best of Yercaud Tourism | Tripoto

As a popular tourist destination, Yercaud is also called as Jewel of the South. Yercaud is connected to the city of Salem, Tamil Nadu through a Highway of 28 km. The temperature never rises above 29 °C (84 °F) or goes below 13 °C (55 °F). Coffee and citrus fruits, most notably oranges, are grown in abundance, as well as bananas, pears and ...

Yercaud Tourism 2023 | Travel Guide | Yercaud (India) Map

About Yercaud Tourism. Yercaud is called Yercaud because of the forest lake which was found here. Some people also call it 'Ooty of the poor'. It is a beautiful hill station in the district of Salem which is in Tamil Nadu, India. You can locate Yercaud on the Shevaroys range of hills in the Eastern Ghats. Yercaud is sited at an altitude of 1516 ...


A blend of attractions at Yercaud makes it a hugely popular tourist spot. Take a 28 km drive from Salem and you reach Yercaud. No points for guessing, you start at the Yercaud botanical garden. Bask in the beauty and fragrance of colourful flowers and a myriad of plant species. You can't miss out the famous Orchidarium at Botanical survey of India.

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Энэтхэгийн чулуун карьер

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Yercaud Tourism (2024)

Nestled in the Shivaroy Hills of Tamil Nadu, Yercaud is a hill station in the Eastern Ghats steeped in abundant greenery. Commonly called 'Ooty of the Poor', this region has a …

Tamil Nadu A Quick Guide To Yercaud

Yercaud is how the Brits got around the tongue-twister Yericaud, Tamil for lake-forest. This little hill station lies in the Shevaroy Hills, part of the Eastern Ghats. …

Yercaud Hill Station

Yercaud Hill Station. Atop Shevaroy Hills in the northern part of Tamil Nadu is Yercaud Hill Station. It is at a distance of 30 kilometers from Salem. Yercaud is often referred to as the Jewel of the South. Yercaud …

Yercaud Hill Station

This place is one of the major attractions in Tamil Nadu. Yercaud is famous for Forest Lake, bananas, oranges, coffee and citrus grow in abundance. The Shevaroy Temple is very …

Жамбалын ТҮВШИНЖАРГАЛ- Сийлбэрч, боржин чулуун …

Сийлбэрч, боржин чулуун урлалын мастер. "Боржин суварга" ХХК-ийн захирал.Дундговь аймгийн Эрдэнэдалай сумын уугуул. 1996-2001 онд СУИС-ийн Сийлбэрийн ангийг дүүргэсэн. Тэрнээс хойш чөлөөт уран бүтээлчээр ажиллаад ...

Yercaud Tourism (2024)

Nestled in the Shivaroy Hills of Tamil Nadu, Yercaud is a hill station in the Eastern Ghats steeped in abundant greenery. Commonly called 'Ooty of the Poor', this region has a history dating back to the time of the British. Located at an altitude of 4970 feet, Yercaud is known for its vast expanses of coffee plantations and great weather.