Standard Grinder WD 114

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG info@seydelmann Tel. +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-0 Hoelderlinstrasse 9 Fax +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-90 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Cutters · Mixers · Grinders Emulsifiers · Production Lines Facts Hole plate diameter: 114 mm Hourly output: 1000 kg/h 2205 lbs/h

Хэт нарийн нунтаглагч | Өндөр хурдны нунтаг хийх машин

Чадна нунтаглагч халуунд мэдрэмтгий материал. 10%~20% тосны агууламжтай амтлагч болон тосон материалыг нунтаглана. Автомат хэт нарийн нунтаглах машин ...


For over 180 years now, Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG has been at the forefront of the development, production and distribution of premium quality food processing machines. The innovative and groundbreaking machine program is designed and manufactured by the modern family-owned company in southern Germany. Seydelmann considers itself a …

Applications of Seydelmann machines

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG Hölderlinstraße 9 DE - 70174 Stuttgart +49 (0)711 4 900 90 0 +49 (0)711 4 900 90 90; info@seydelmann; Branch & Factory. Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG Burgstallstraße 1-3 DE - 73431 Aalen +49 (0)7361 565 0 +49 (0)7361 359 51; aalen@seydelmann; ; ;

нунтаглалт | PPT

Нунтаглагч биетийн хорогдлыг: G=Gб*e-k*t D=Dб* e-k*t Gб,Dб -анхны бөөрөнцгүүдийн жин диамет G, D-t хугацааны дараах бөөрөнцгүүдийн жин диаметр


Seit über 180 Jahren treibt die Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG die Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb von hochwertigen Maschinen zur Lebensmittelverarbeitung voran. Das innovative und richtungsweisende Maschinenprogramm, wird von dem modernen Familienunternehmen in Süddeutschland konstruiert und gefertigt. …


We will provide you with rental machines to bridge the gap so that your production can run again and you can produce the urgently needed food for your region. If required, please contact us at sales@seydelmann or on 0711 49 00 90 0. We will not let you down!

Cutters, Bowl choppers Seydelmann

High-Efficiency Cutters. Seydelmann manufactures High-Efficiency Cutters in sizes between 40 and 1000 liters bowl capacity. The high-speed machines guarantee first-class chopping of materials and homogeneous mixing. The compact, seamless and essentially solid stainless steel design with rounded edges and polished, downward sloping …

Өөрөө нунтаглагч тээрэм | PPT

4. АЖИЛЛАХ ЗАРЧИМ Хагас өөрөө нунтаглагчтай тээрмийн нунтаглагдах үйл ажиллагаа нь хүдэр болон нунтаглагч биетүүдийн үрэлтийн үр дүнд явагдана. Тээрмийн 30%-д нь хүдэр, ган бөмбөлгүүд болон ...


High-Efficiency Cutter. Seydelmann manufactures High-Efficiency Cutters in sizes between 40 and 1000 liters bowl capacity. The high-speed machines guarantee first-class chopping of materials and homogeneous mixing. The compact, seamless and essentially solid stainless steel design with rounded edges and polished, downward sloping surfaces, …

Automatenwolf AE 130

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG info@seydelmann Tel. +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-0 Hölderlinstraße 9 Fax +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-90 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Kutter · Mischer · Wölfe Feinstzerkleinerer · Produktionslinien Daten Lochscheibendurchmesser: 130 mm Stundenleistung: 3000 kg/h Leistung Motor: 14/18 kW

Seydelmann | Quality, service, and innovation | Nemco

Familiarity, quality, service, and innovation. For more than 175 years, German Seydelmann has been at the forefront of the development, production, and distribution of cutting-edge …

Hochleistungskutter K 60

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG info@seydelmann Tel. +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-0 Hölderlinstraße 9 Fax +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-90 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Kutter · Mischer · Wölfe Feinstzerkleinerer · Produktionslinien Daten Schüsselinhalt: 60 Liter Gewicht: 1000 - 1100 kg Belademöglichkeiten: manuell

Automatenwolf AU 200

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG info@seydelmann Tel. +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-0 Hölderlinstraße 9 Fax +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-90 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Kutter · Mischer · Wölfe Feinstzerkleinerer · Produktionslinien Daten Lochscheibendurchmesser: 200 mm Stundenleistung: bis zu 14000 kg/h Leistung Motor: …

Machine videos

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG @ IFFA 2019. On an exhibition area of more than 1000 m², Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG presents again its latest innovations and highlights with more than 40 machines, such as automation solutions and the new automatic mixer grinder AMR 3500 with a hopper capacity of 3500 liters. Further novelties are the …

Universal Grinder AU 200 U

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG info@seydelmann Tel. +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-0 Hoelderlinstrasse 9 Fax +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-90 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Cutters · Mixers · Grinders Emulsifiers · Production Lines Facts Hole plate diameter: 200 mm Hourly output: 6000-16000 kg/h 13228-35274 lbs/h

Автомат, механик хэрэгсэл :: Нуруулдагч машин

Имэйл хаягаа бүртгүүлээд худалдааны талаарх шинэ, сонирхолтой мэдээллийг хүлээн аваарай.

Seydelmann Group

Seydelmann is the world's only manufacturer of cutters, grinders, mixers and emulsifiers in every size range - for artisanal and industrial needs. Seydelmann machines are …

Applications of Seydelmann machines

Seydelmann machines are used for the production of sausage and meat products, cheese, vegetables, fish and pharmaceutical products as well as in the confectionery, soup, …

Mixers by Seydelmann

Seydelmann Mixers are ideally suited for mixing and homogenizing dry and liquid components, as well as Rework material. Optionally available with a vacuum-, heating-/roasting- and cooling function.

Vakuum-Koch-Kutter K 324

Vakuum-Koch-Kutter. Der Seydelmann Vakuum-Koch-Kutter K 324 ist eine Maschine mit hohem Bedien-komfort, da sie nach ergonomischen Anfor-derungen entwickelt wurde und über eine umfangreiche Standardausstattung verfügt. Ausstattungsteile aller Seydelmann Maschi-nen entsprechen dem neuesten Stand der technischen Entwicklung und tragen …


For over 180 years now, Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG has been at the forefront of the development, production and distribution of premium quality food processing machines. …

Reiser | Cheese | Grinding | Seydelmann Grinders

Seydelmann Cheese Grinders are perfect for all applications that require cheese grinding, grating and particle reduction, including cheese block reduction. Product structures from course grinding to very fine textures …

Cutting sets for Seydelmann Grinders

The standard cutting sets for ground meat are three-piece or five-piece. They are comprised of a pre-cutter, as well as one or two knives and one or two hole plates. The knives and hole plates (with declining hole sizes …


More water can be added. The finished sausage has a more intensive flavor, a firmer bite and higher fills become possible. The special design principle of the Seydelmann Cutters, with small air space between the emulsion and the underside of the cover allows vacuum extraction in the shortest time and requires a very low gas volume for re-gassing.

Spare parts for Seydelmann machines

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG Hölderlinstraße 9 DE - 70174 Stuttgart +49 (0)711 4 900 90 0 +49 (0)711 4 900 90 90; info@seydelmann; Branch & Factory. Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG Burgstallstraße 1-3 DE - 73431 Aalen +49 (0)7361 565 0 +49 (0)7361 359 51; aalen@seydelmann; ; ;

Trolley Tumbler Seydelmann

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG Hölderlinstraße 9 DE - 70174 Stuttgart +49 (0)711 4 900 90 0 +49 (0)711 4 900 90 90; info@seydelmann; Branch & Factory. Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG Burgstallstraße 1-3 DE - 73431 Aalen +49 (0)7361 565 0 +49 (0)7361 359 51; aalen@seydelmann; ; ;

Automatic Grinder AE 130-3

Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG info@seydelmann Tel. +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-0 Hoelderlinstrasse 9 Fax +49 (0)711 / 49 00 90-90 70174 Stuttgart, Germany Cutters · Mixers · Grinders Emulsifiers · Production Lines Facts Hole plate diameter: 130 mm Hourly output: 3500 kg/h 7716 lbs/h

Erfolgsgeschichte mit Tradition

Die Erfolgsgeschichte der Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann beginnt vor über 175 Jahren in Aalen. Dort eröffnet 1843 Firmengründer Andreas Seydelmann eine Schlosserwerkstatt, wo er für seine Kunden verschiedene Maschinen und Maschinenanlagen, unter anderem Dampfmaschinen, Feuerwehrspritzen sowie Luft- und Wasserpumpen baut.


Ausgestattet wie ein moderner Lebensmittelbetrieb - mit Maschinen auch für vor- und nachgelagerte Prozesse – und einer EU-Zulassung zur Lebensmittelherstellung, können sich nicht nur Kunden im Seydelmann Kundenzentrum von der Leistungsfähigkeit, Qualität und Effizienz und den vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Seydelmann Kutter, Wölfe, …


Nelle mani dei migliori. Da oltre 180 anni la Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG è all'avanguardia nello sviluppo, nella produzione e nella distribuzione di macchine per la lavorazione degli alimenti di alta qualità. Realizzati esclusivamente nel sud della Germania, i macchine Seydelmann sono installati in tutti e cinque i continenti, in oltre …