Leadership | SBM

This council includes oversight of Annals of Behavioral Medicine and Translational Behavioral Medicine. This council is also responsible for staying abreast of trends in scientific publishing. Chair: Jun Ma, MD, PhD, FAHA, FSBM, Beth and George Vitoux Professor of Medicine at University of Illinois at Chicago. View members.

The spatiotemporal dynamic and spatial spillover effect of …

China has experienced rapid economic growth and financial development since the reform and opening in 1978 (Xu 2018).But at the same time, China is also the world's largest energy consumption and pollutant emission country (Li et al. 2016).Coal and oil account for 70% of China's energy consumption (Liu et al. 2018), and the burning of …

Assessing the financial efficiency of healthcare services

This paper uses the three-stage SBM-DEA model to summarize the efficiency of China's pediatric services using panel data from 31 provinces and cities in …

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Evaluating the efficiency of China's healthcare service: A …

DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122431 Corpus ID: 219757692; Evaluating the efficiency of China's healthcare service: A weighted DEA-game theory in a competitive environment @article{Yaya2020EvaluatingTE, title={Evaluating the efficiency of China's healthcare service: A weighted DEA-game theory in a competitive environment}, author={Sun Yaya …

Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in …

Healthcare services eciency and its intrinsic drivers in China: based on the three-stage super-eciency SBM model Mengya Sun1, Yaojun Ye 1*, Guangdi Zhang1, Xiuling Shang2* and Yuan Xue3* Abstract Background The purpose of this study is to examine the development of healthcare services eciency in China since the reform of the healthcare …

Spatial distribution and regional difference of carbon …

This paper uses the three-stage super-efficiency SBM-DEA model with undesirable output to evaluate CEEIE of 30 provinces in China from 2000 to 2017, and analyzes the spatial distribution and ...

Spatial and temporal characteristics and evolutionary …

This study constructed an evaluation system for health development efficiency (HDE) of Chinese cities from an input–output perspective, evaluated the HDE of 284 prefecture-level and above cities in China from 2009 to 2019 using the super-efficient SBM model, and further explored the dynamic transfer characteristics, spatial spillover …

Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in China

Methods A three-stage super-efficient slack-based measure (SBM) model with undesirable outputs was used to measure the efficiency of healthcae services in 31 …

A study of primary health care service efficiency and its …

China's primary health care system has undergone major changes since the new round of medical reform in 2009, but the current status of primary health care institution service efficiency is still unsatisfactory. ... Based on this, Tone K combined the SBM model with the super-efficiency model and proposed the super-efficiency slack …

Evaluating the efficiency of China's healthcare

Based on the aforementioned analyses, we suggest that China's healthcare-related policies should be responsible for the imbalanced healthcare efficiencies of different regions to some extent. Our major findings are summarized as follows: (a) Severe imbalance exists amidst provinces in healthcare service efficiency of …

Evaluating the efficiency of China's healthcare

The World Health Report 2010 pointed out that about 20–40% of healthcare resources were wasted (Zheng et al., 2019). Poor health can inhibit labor force participation and restrain economic growth (Dodson et al., 2017), whereas China is strapped by financial resources for healthcare (Li et al., 2012).

Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in …

for the future high-quality development of healthcare services in China. Methods A three-stage super-ecient slack-based measure (SBM) model with undesirable outputs was …

Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in China

By examining the development environment of healthcare services in China and examining the driving factors affecting the efficiency of healthcare services, we provide a reference for the future high-quality development of healthcare services in China. ... (SBM) model with undesirable outputs was used to measure the efficiency of healthcae ...

Study on the allocation efficiency of medical and health …

that after the implementation of China's health care reform, due to the excessive number of public hospitals and the serious aging of the population, there are still problems such as waste ... this study adopts the super-efficient SBM model and Malmquist index to study the efficiency of healthcare resource allocation in Hainan Province from ...

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Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in China

Background The purpose of this study is to examine the development of healthcare services efficiency in China since the reform of the healthcare system. By examining the developme

About SBM

About SBM. SBM is a mining machinery manufacturer in China. Products include stone crushers like jaw crushers, cone crushers and mobile crushers as well as grinding mills like Raymond mills. It has more than 30 years' history, and the business scope mainly contains aggregates, mining, grinding and building waste & mineral tailing recycling.

Applying the three-stage SBM-DEA model to evaluate energy efficiency

This paper uses the three-stage SBM-DEA model to analyze the energy efficiency and influencing factors of 13 RCEP countries from 2000 to 2015. The results show that, first, the overall energy efficiency of RCEP is poor at 0.384, with China and Japan having relatively high energy efficiency and Brunei and Cambodia having the worst …


ICSS Supervisor opportunities in China (local contract) Shanghai, CN, 200041 Jun 26, 2024 Construction: Shanghai, CN, 200041 Jun 26, 2024 Be proactive & apply! Fire & Gas (F&G) Supervisor opportunities in China (local contract) Be proactive & …

Evaluation of regional university technology transfer …

Improving university technology transfer (UTT) performance is important for establishing national innovation and technology transfer systems given China's pursuit of an innovation-driven development strategy. Based on Chinese provincial and regional panel data from 2011 to 2015, this study employs the super-efficiency slacks-based measure …

Study on the allocation efficiency of medical and health

In this study, the Super-efficiency SBM and Malmquist models were used to analyze the static and dynamic efficiency of medical and health resource allocation in Hainan Province during 2016-2020. The results showed that, statically, the average efficiency of comprehensive allocation of health resources in Hainan Province from 2016 …

Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in China

go back to reference Liu W, et al. Health expenditure efficiency in rural China using the super-SBM model and the Malmquist productivity index. ... The impact of policy on the intangible service efficiency of the primary health care institution- based on China's health care reform policy in 2009. Int J Equity Health. 2019;18(1):14.

Study on the allocation efficiency of medical and health …

In this study, the Super-efficiency SBM and Malmquist models were used to analyze the static and dynamic efficiency of medical and health resource allocation in Hainan …

Assessing the financial efficiency of healthcare services

As the world's largest developing country, the shortage of service-oriented resource supply in China has become a fundamental shortcoming that limits the quality of life of its citizens and optimizes the quality of national development (Liu et al. 2021).Within the system of service-oriented resources, medical resources have always been an …

Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in China

Methods: A three-stage super-efficient slack-based measure (SBM) model with undesirable outputs was used to measure the efficiency of healthcae services in 31 …

Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in China

A three-stage super-efficient slack-based measure (SBM) model with undesirable outputs was used to measure the efficiency of healthcae services in 31 Chinese provinces from …

Water | Free Full-Text | The Synergy of Water Resource

China is currently facing the significant task of effectively managing its water resources to satisfy the rising needs while grappling with the growing worries of water shortage. In this context, it becomes crucial to comprehend the importance of resource agglomeration and technological adoption. Thus, this research examines the relationship …

Siemens CT Scan Machine Suppliers, Siemens MRI Machine …

SBM Healthcare - best Siemens CT Scan Machine Suppliers in New Delhi, Traders of Siemens MRI Machine, Philips Cathlab Machine, Refurbished CT Scan Machine, Siemens CT Scan Parts. kulbir.singh@sbmhealthcare +91 9868086663. home; about us; products . Siemens CT Scan Machine;

(PDF) Health expenditure efficiency in rural China using the super-SBM

Table 7 Average HEE values of the super-SBM-VRS model for 31 provinces in rural China from 2007 to 2016. ... to a new scheme for health care reform in 2009, and the.

Frontiers | Levels, trends, and determinants of effectiveness …

Factors affecting health care users' first contact with primary health care facilities in north eastern China, 2008–2018. BMJ Global Health. (2021) 6:e3907. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-003907

Measuring productivity of healthcare services under …

Taking the atmospheric environmental pollution resulting from the incineration of medical waste as an undesirable output of the healthcare system, this study analyzed …

Health expenditure efficiency in rural China using the super-SBM …

Based on the health particularities in rural China, this article considers these two types of health institutions, township health centers and village clinics, as research samples. The indicators used in this paper include two input indicators and eleven output indicators: as inputs, we select healthcare expenditure per capita (PPP) and total ...

Healthcare services efficiency and its intrinsic drivers in China

Methods A three-stage super-efficient slack-based measure (SBM) model with undesirable outputs was used to measure the efficiency of healthcae services in 31 Chinese provinces from 2009 to 2021 ...

Study on the allocation efficiency of medical and health …

Liu W, Xia Y, Hou J. Health expenditure efficiency in rural China using the super-SBM model and the Malmquist productivity index. Int J Equity Health. 2019. Jul 19; 18 (1):111. doi: 10.1186 ... The study pointed out that after the implementation of China's health care reform, due to the excessive number of public hospitals and the serious aging ...

Measuring productivity of healthcare services under …

Conclusions: (1) The TFP of the healthcare services across China continued to decline slowly during the study period. (2) The effect of technical catch-up in the eastern, central, and western regions of China was significant across the three regions, whereas the effect of technical innovation was negative. (3) The TFP varied considerably among ...